Monday, October 19, 2009

First of 7

Today was the kick off for a very busy week of clinics with two in Marikina. We saw probably around 325 patients today spread over 2 doctors and one nurse (me). We had several more nurses helping with triage at the first location which ran like clock-work. I was blessed beyond belief by this church. The mud was still over a yard deep everywhere. The sanctuary had been flooded nearly to the roof, but they had worked hard to clean it out for us and it was shiny clean today! Each and every patient was prayed with twice and had the wordless book shared with them by trained counselors. They also had a chance to be counseled for grief and loss from the flood. Next they were seen by the nurse volunteers, then by the doctors, then on to the pharmacy. It was a long and very productive morning.

Our afternoon was a sharp contrast in the mud. We were on the street again under a tarp and we saw lots of fungus, 3 cases of leptospirosis, a man with a fly-covered dog bit on his leg, and so much more! We also ran out of some medications here...and we have 5 clinics left!

Thank goodness we only have an afternoon clinic tomorrow, so my mother and I will be getting up early to drive across the metropolis to our medication supplier in order to pick up the necessary medications for the next 5 clinics.

I appreciate your prayers for our stamina, safety, emotional health, and spirit of gratitude. God is able and we will learn to trust and lean on Him in a whole new way this week.

And now I will go hug my pillow and sleep. :)


  1. Thanks for keeping us informed and encouraged. We have so much to be thankful for.
    It is amazing that He is able to sustain us in circumstances that we could not imagine going through, but He is amazing.
    I read a shirt quote by a 24 year old Hudson Taylor. He had looked for 3 weeks straight for another place to rent, as his missionary friends were moving to another city, and could not find 1 single place He could afford, and he said, "Man's extremity is God's opportunity". Wouldn't you know it, God provided more than he could have asked or imagined. It seems as if you are right up against your extremity so it will be fun to watch God work.
    Praying for you all there and thank you for being where we could not be serving Him

  2. Dear Pami,

    All that you are doing really tugs at my heart. I wish I could be there. As I looked at your pictures I noticed how big your heart is -- you include yourself among the diseased. You are giving your life, health, time. I respect and believe in what you are doing. "Thank you" is not enough.

    Doug Nichols says hello, he is back from the conference. We both agree you are a blessing.

    I would like to contribute $500 towards a clinic.

    Every blessing,

    Linda Kennedy

  3. Linda and Chuck,

    Thanks so much stopping by to comment on my blog. I have been so encouraged by the comments both here and in e-mails, phone calls, and face-to-face. God is surely supporting His work here with people who cannot be here. I am so blessed to be apart of this all, as are you!

