Mayette was a gal who was referred to me last week for an ultrasound who was quite large, but had been breastfeeding her first baby so we didn't have an accurate way to determine her due date. That was supposedly my job...
I went through the preliminary questions and then placed the probe on her swollen belly. The baby looked beautiful with a good sized noggin and was most definitely a boy. I talked with her about labor, but she had been through it once before so I kept it brief. We closed in prayer and off she went.
Fast forward to today - I returned to Shalom this afternoon after a leisurely lunch and saw Mayette groaning on the bed. She was our only active labor. I kept watching her out of the corner of my eye as I chewed the fat with Mavis.
Hmmm...she's getting pretty restless!
The 2pm midwife came on duty, took one look at her, and asked for sterile gloves while Mavis scrambled for her record. (The other midwife was out of the room sterilizing instruments.) Because we also had no nursing students at that moment, I grabbed a pair of gloves and prepared to assist. I was still putting them on when I heard the sharp cry.
I raced over in time to help place the little guy on his mama's chest, dry him off, and snuggle him up skin to skin. In about 10 minutes, he was happily sucking away, warm and dry, safe and secure, finally in the arms of the one who carried him inside for 9 months.
Praise God for easy deliveries like this one!
After an hour, I grabbed a photo with Mayette, her mom, and little Kean Mike. What a cutie!
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