Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Just another day

It's been a while since I've blogged, and rather than try to catalog in a most boring fashion all the exciting things that happened (trip to the US, a wedding of a friend, too many miles to count traveled, etc...), I'll begin with just another day.

It was prenatals again this morning. Unless it's pouring rain and storming outside, we're pretty much guaranteed at least 100 patients each prenatal morning. It was a long morning of lots of new patient interviews for me with a sonogram tossed in. I love it, but my back was sore by the time I finished. After our Tuesday prayer time with the staff, we walked over to our new building to look at the new paint in each of the rooms. Amazingly beautiful! I can't wait to get fabric for the curtains and decorate.

Finally about 1:30pm, I was getting ready to head for home and walked through our old building. On my way out I saw this young couple, exhausted with their newborn baby lying between them, trying to catch some sleep after the chaos of a prenatal morning. The young mom had given birth around 10am, right in the middle of our prenatals. Since we have just one room for everything, prenatals stopped while she delivered. After she and her baby were cleaned up, they were transferred to a cot on the floor while we finished up. Once the prenatals were over, we moved her to the one "real" bed in the room where she and her boyfriend took a huge sigh of relief and reveled in their new little one. I just couldn't resist snapping a picture with my phone...

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