~ First of all, and this is a BIG ONE, I'm at 100% of my monthly support!!! Praise God for His incredible provision that is nothing short of miraculous!
~ Sunday First Baptist Church of Lakewood prayed for me, sort of another commissioning service. One can never be prayed for too much!
~ Tuesday was my last day at work. I had to turn in my I
~ Wednesday was dinner with one of the missionaries I support financially and prayerfully. I loved seeing what they are doing and reconnect as friends...look forward to doing that with my own supporters in the future.
~ Thursday & Friday was a 16 hour drive towards the middle of nowhere in New Mexico. My aunt, uncle and I are here to watch my oldest brother graduate from the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. To say I'm proud of him is an understatement!!!
~ Saturday, today, we drove down to Carlsbad Caverns, a gorgeous cave system in southern NM. (See pictures below)
The next two weeks are going to pass by in a whirlwind of activity and goodbyes. I hate goodbyes...I haven't had to really say them for 10 years and I've forgotten just how much they hurt. But like I've said before, I'm thankful for the pain because it reminds me just how very blessed I am to love and be loved so deeply.
Thanks for your prayers and enjoy a couple of pictures!
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