Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tomorrow's Sunday...

...and I will rest.

It's been a very busy week to say the least. This morning we had a wonderful clinic at a church assisted by Steve Read, another ACTION missionary and fellow missionary kid. I think it quite poetic that both Steve and I, two of the missionary coordinator's of today's clinic are MKs. What a testimony of God's continued grace through the generations! Steve, his wife Rita, and two kids (Stephen and Shannon) were there to help, along with four medical residents from a good, local hospital. My mom and many volunteers also helped to ensure the clinic ran smoothly and efficiently.

But tomorrow is Sunday and I will rest my weary body. I am thankful for this day of rest so that I can be ready for 7 clinics Monday through Friday of next week. However, it is hard not to feel at least some twinges of guilt knowing that for many in the city, there is no rest. One lady at one of our Thursday clinics said she is too afraid to go home because it is filled with snakes. Many people are complaining of snakes in their home as these types of critters are also on the hunt for dry ground.

So though the twinges of guilt will threaten to ruin my day of rest, I can also acknowledge that Jesus Himself took time to be quiet, even though there were many hurting people through His land.

I do have one major praise, though - The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently published findings on the use of zinc for the treatment and prevention of diarrhea and prevention of pneumonia. And it's relatively cheap! But, it is not available at all in the Philippines. A faithful prayer partner of ACTION contacted me early in the week asking if there was anything he could do and praise God he and his family have been able to purchase 2,500 tablets of zinc to be Fed Exed here this weekend! To use the words of his wife: God is sooooo good!

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